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VSC offers Intel, GCC, AOCC and nvhpc compilers. The available compilers depend on the VSC cluster/partition.

CPU architectures Skylake and Cascadelake

These architectures are available in the following nodes/partitions:

  • VSC-4 Login nodes l40-l49
  • skylake_0096
  • skylake_0384
  • skylake_0768
  • cascadelake_0384

You can choose between these compilers:

  • gnu
  • intel / oneapi / dpcpp


Usually the intel compilers deliver the best performance on these architectures.

CPU architectures Zen2 and Zen3

These architectures are available in the following nodes/partitions:

  • VSC-5 Login nodes l50-l56
  • zen3_0512
  • zen3_1024
  • zen3_2048
  • zen3_0512_a100x2
  • zen2_0256_a40x2

You can choose between these compilers:

  • gnu
  • intel / oneapi / dpcpp
  • aocc only on zen
  • nvhpc only on cuda-zen


Usually the aocc compiler delivers the best performance on these architectures.

Compiler names

Language Intel GNU AOCC
C icx gcc clang
C++ icpx g++/c++ clang++
Fortran ifx gfortran flang

Intel compilers

Intel compilers for skylake, zen, cuda-zen:

module load intel/19

Intel's OneAPI compilers for skylake, zen, cuda-zen:

module load compiler/latest

GNU compilers

GNU compilers for skylake:

module load gcc/9.5.0-gcc-8.5.0-3wfbr74

GNU compilers for zen:

module load gcc/13.2.0-gcc-12.2.0-wmf5yxk

GNU compilers for cuda-zen:

module load gcc/12.2.0-gcc-9.5.0-nu5le4q

AOCC compilers

AOCC compilers for skylake:


AOCC compilers only for zen:

module load aocc/4.1.0-gcc-12.2.0-rir6635

AOCC compilers for cuda-zen:



AOCC compilers do not work with NVidia's cuda package, pick gcc on cuda-zen instead.

Compiling serial code examples


module load compiler/latest
icx hello.c -o hello_c


On skylake

module load gcc/9.5.0-gcc-8.5.0-3wfbr74
gcc hello.c -o hello_c
On zen

module load gcc/13.2.0-gcc-12.2.0-wmf5yxk
gcc hello.c -o hello_c


On zen

module load aocc/3.2.0-gcc-11.2.0-y53mdzy
clang hello.c -o hello_c

Single-node parallel code with OpenMP

Compiling parallel C code with OpenMP using Intel/GNU/AOCC

icx -qopenmp hello_openmp.c -o hello_openmp_c
gcc -fopenmp hello_openmp.c -o hello_openmp_c
clang -fopenmp hello_openmp.c -o hello_openmp_c

And to run it on 2 cores:


This works identically on skylake and cuda-zen too.

Multi-node parallel code with MPI

MPI compiler wrappers

Intel OneAPI Intel Openmpi
package intel-oneapi-mpi intel-oneapi-mpi openmpi
compiler compiler/latest intel/19 any
C mpiicc mpicc/mpigcc mpicc
C++ mpiicpc mpicxx/mpigxx mpic++/mpiCC/mpicxx
Fortran mpiifort mpifc/mpiifort mpifort

There are other MPI implementations available, for example:

  • mpich
  • mvapich
  • mvapich2

Find MPI implementations

For example, one can find all mpi implementations by using grep with module avail:

module avail -t | grep mpi

If you search for a specific mpi implementation use module avail directly:

module avail mpi
module avail intel-oneapi-mpi
module avail openmpi
module avail mvapich

Examples parallel code MPI

Compiling MPI C code with Intel and Intel MPI

module load compiler/latest
module load intel-oneapi-mpi/2021.7.1-intel-2021.7.1-fzg6q4x
mpiicc -O0 hello-mpi.c -o hello-mpi_c
mpirun -np 2 ./hello-mpi_c

Compiling MPI C code with GNU and Intel MPI

module load gcc/9.5.0-gcc-8.5.0-3wfbr74
module load intel-oneapi-mpi/2021.10.0-gcc-9.5.0-jjk5krw
mpicc -O0 hello-mpi.c -o hello-mpi_c
mpirun -np 2 ./hello-mpi_c

Examples: Compiling MPI C code with AOCC and OpenMPI

module load aocc/4.1.0-gcc-12.2.0-rir6635
module load openmpi/4.1.4-aocc-4.0.0-x4jtiii
mpicc -O0 hello-mpi.c -o hello-mpi_c
mpirun -np 2 ./hello-mpi_c