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File transfer


Files and directories can be transferred to and from the VSC with the scp (secure copy) command.

# To transfer a file from a local computer to VSC
scp localfile <username><directory>/

# To transfer a file from VSC to a local computer
scp <username><directory>/<file> ./


rsync is a file copying tool that can be used both locally and over the network. It is usually faster than scp, handles copying of whole directory trees well, and rsync transfers can easily be restarted without having to re-transfer data.

rsync -av local-tree <username><directory>/

Copy - alternative via FileZilla

For using FileZilla, make sure that you choose “interactive login”. This is necessary to be able to login via two factor authentication. If you are already logged into the cluster via, e.g., PuTTY or another terminal program, you can also login via a normal session because the OTP is only asked once in 12h per cluster and IP address.

Copy - alternative via WinSCP

For using WinSCP, set authentication to keyboard-interactive to be able to enter the OTP. As with FileZilla, if you are already logged in, you can use standard password authentication.

IDE integration

VSCode and MobaXTerm users can also use the drag and drop features available in the file explorer of the software.


If you logged in via NoMachine, there is an additional option:
The local client (for example your laptop) appears as local filesystem on the remote desktop. There is an option called "Transfer a file" in the menu that allows file transfer to and from the remote system.